How To Control Your Thoughts And Boost Your Mood

Discover the keys to mastering your mind and boosting your mood.
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In the month of August Spring Health brings you an insightful event where you'll learn practical strategies for managing anger effectively. Explore proven techniques for emotional regulation to cultivate a healthier response to challenging situations. Gain valuable insights into identifying triggers and developing skills to cope and manage challenging emotions, empowering yourself to enhance personal well-being and relationships.

Click here to view our community guidelines.

Events available in English across various time zones.

All live sessions for the month have concluded. Please find the available recordings below.


Available Recordings:

English - Europe

English - Asia Pacific Region


Not seeing your preferred language or time slot?
Fill out our request form or send us an email at: globalevents@springhealth.com.

(Please note, requests are not guaranteed.)

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"Love the assessment and getting matched with a professional who specializes in what you're looking for. I also love the Care Navigators who really make the process seamless.”
Spring Health Member at TED Conferences